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Weekly ZGYM Workout Schedule - The Week of November 27th

Workout Schedules | November 26, 2017

Here’s the entire list of my EXERCISE EQUIPMENT


Check out the new Upper Body & Abs Shred 4 Week Workout Program :



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

Advanced: Cardio Shred #2 (Beat Your Personal Best)

No Equipment / Bodyweight Workout : Body Crush #2

Beginner Workout: Beginner Cardio #2



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

Advanced Fitness Levels: Low Impact Full Body #10 (New in ZGYM)

All Fitness Levels – No Equipment / Bodyweight Workout : 12 Minute Body #5



All Fitness Levels: Stretch & Tone Cardio #4 (new in ZGYM)

Not a fan of this workout? You Can Choose another workout from

Stretch & Tone  or Power Yoga Series



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

All Fitness Levels / Beginners: Kettlebell Fit Slide Beginners #7 (New in ZGYM)

Advanced: 15 Minute Fit Slide #6

Bodyweight: 15 Minute Fat Burn #8



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

Advanced: Jump Rope Cardio #2X (Beat Your Personal Best)

Beginners: Jump Rope Cardio Beginners #2

+ bonus 5 Minute Fat Burn #124



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

All Levels / Low Impact :   300 Killer Rep #6  (Beat your personal best)

Beginners / no equipment: Bodyweight Beginners #4



All Fitness Levels: Stretch & Tone #33 (Stretch your body – ZGYM)

Not a fan of this workout? You Can Choose another workout from

Stretch & Tone  or Power Yoga Series

Bonus: Jump Rope Practice – work on your jump rope skills for at least 5 minutes



About the workout schedule

I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.



Workout Programs for Beginners 

If you’re a beginner and you have just joined ZGYM™ for the first time, you should be focusing on building your strength and endurance via beginner workouts so that you can eventually progress to workout series such as Cardio Shred, Body Crush, Kettlebell Workouts,  Jump Rope Cardio, etc.

If you stay consistent and workout daily, you can get there in just a few weeks. Remember that everything takes time and practice, but nothing is impossible. EXERCISE DAILY!

Here’s a 12 week Cardio & Strength Starter Program – If this program turns out to be too hard, you can do the free 9 week  Bunny Slope Program for complete Beginners.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Yay!! The Calendar View is available in the Progress Tracker. Thanks!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      matthews, nc, usa

      Yes! It is so Cool! I also noticed it today!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    massachusetts, united states

    I bought my matcha mask today, seeing as its cyber monday I actually got 40%off!!! Can’t wait to use it!! Thanks for the advice!!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Matcha Reserve is having a sale today. I am curious, since you’ve tried several flavors, what is your favorite flavor? I am going between peach, apple, and strawberry. Have you tried any of these? 🙂 thanks!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I tried peach, blueberry and apple. I like them all.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    matthews, nc, usa

    Hi Zuzka, I don’t know where are better to ask. So, I will leave it here. 🙂 I want to know if your “Comfy V-neck Hoodie” in color Violet/or Green, size [S]/[XS] will be available in some time? Thank you.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      We’re planning on bringing the green hoodies back soon.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        matthews, nc, usa

        Is it possible to reserve it?

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          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          We’re in the process of building new store to have more abilities for the future – one of them would be pre-orders but not at this time. Thank you so much for your interest. I really do appreciate it.

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 
            matthews, nc, usa

            Thank you too. 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      michigan, usa

      I was going to ask the same thing. I keep checking back to the hoodies. 🙁 I have the pink and I live in it practically haha I would love green or purple in small also!

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        Private Member  | 
        matthews, nc, usa

        🙂 I know this feelings. I dream about it.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Healthy diet does not include animal product or meat either restricting portion size or calories ! I am sorry but I have been really disappointed by your diet plan as for me, it is asking people to restrict on food. I have been STARVING under your diet and i would never able to maintain it for a long period of time. I have lost nothing, was thinking about food ALL THE TIME and wondering why should I suffer at this point !!!
    Plus, for me you cannot loose fat eating fat. Neither animals… I have been on paleo diet for years and it NEVER bring me the results i was expecting.
    I love eating. So i cant tell myself to eat one or two devil boild eggs for LUNCH ! I have totally changed my point of view on diet since and really, today I can’t eat meat or animal product anymore because I love animals. Being vegan is the best diet your can have as it is not restrictive, you can eat all what you want, espicially if you follow the raw till 4 diet plan.
    I am not going to judge you as I really appreciate all the work you do but please, do not say you want to make people healthy by asking them to eat poisoned food like meat, dairy or animal products. These animals are suffering and not everyone can afford getting the best products that would not involve intensive exploitation still these products, especially in USA, are BAD ! And I can’t believe you love your dogs the way you love them and support the food industry to torture and kill thousands of thousands of animal every year.

    And if you eat meat, then you MUST be able to watch these without have any feelings !!


    Sorry for that ! But educate yourself before asking people to eat these products and be ready to agree with what we do to our animals.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      You have a clear agenda – to protect animals. I’m sure it fulfills your need to feel significant, but you should realize that you’re not superior to others just because you’re Vegan and I’m sorry to inform you that there are other diets people can choose and thrive on. I can argue your points about my meal plan, and I can list all things I did to educate myself, the schools I went through, courses I’ve taken and all the books I’ve read, but that wouldn’t matter, because I know there’s no point to argue with an aggressive Vegan who just goes around and bullies anyone who doesn’t follow their “religion”. And if you think that I will support this bully behavior on my platform, you’re greatly mistaken. Get your act together or get out.

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        Private Member  | 
        medicine hat, alberta, canada

        Thank you.

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        Private Member  | 

        Hahaha Love you Zu! You are incredibly amazing! Nobody can attack Zuzka like that. Didn’t you know?

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        Private Member  | 

        Well put Zu.

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        Private Member  | 

        I am sorry if you thought I was aggressive because I didn’t mean to be so… I am not a convinced vegan that think we are better than others ! Not at all and I think you didn’t read my message carefully. I know YOU can afford buying meat that comes from good exploitation, but lots of people cannot. As I say, I have been on meat diet all my life and could afford buying meat coming from local farmer and even “meet” my cow still alive if I wanted , I was just saying that I don’t think (and again not saying I AM SURE OR CONVINCED) that your diet or diet plan is the best. That’s all. And sorry if you misunderstood my message.
        I just think that today people don’t know what to do anymore with diets and food and exercises. They are lost and don’t know that to think or trust and do whatever just to loose pounds or extra weight, in short time and not as a lifestyle. And this lead to overweight, frustration, diseases and lots of issues. All is so superficial today !
        I know you know because you took classes and get certification. I know because I am studying nutrition for years too, but most of people out-there do not know. And they may even don’t know where their chicken breast or beefsteak comes from. That’s it. And we are at a critical point re our planet and it health…
        You know in my country we say “il y a seulement les imbeciles qui ne changent pas d’avis”. I’ll let you find someone to translate 🙂
        again, this is not an attack, it is just that we can also change and think in a different way.
        But please, do not be offended. I was just surprised about your behavior towards your dogs and towards the other poor animals we eat and even not consider anymore like animals but just “things”
        But at the end, it is indeed better if I get out as you ask

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          Private Member  | 

          Stephanie, I understand your point of view. I myself have been on a vegan diet for exactly one year (i would eat eggs from time to time), one reason was because I thought it was the healthiest thing to eat that way, and the other was for the animals. For me, being on a vegan diet did not work, I didn’t see changes in my body or my skin, I would get the sugar/carbs crashes, I felt like eating all the time, practically I didn’t see any improvements. And a year is enough time to experiment a diet. Then I did my research on low carb high fat, and for the past year I’ve been mostly on it. And I’ve seen huge improvements. I lost weight, I added muscle, I’m in the best shape of my life, no more pimples, no more sugar crashes, I don’t feel like having cheating meals, I don’t need to sleep in the afternoon, i barely feel hungry anymore. And these were things I’ve been fighting with all my life.
          I personally don’t believe there’s a ‘one diet fits all’ type of thing. Different people thrive on different diets. Zuzka talks about this lately too. That’s why she is working on a vegan meal plan at the moment. Because she wants to find solutions for all of us. But first she had to start with the diet that fits her needs, because her diet has benefited her for so many years now. She needed to start with the diet she knows most about. That’s why she’s educating herself all the time, so she can come up with new meal plans, different diets, and help everybody.
          Regarding her meal plan, I don’t know how you were starving. I think it depends on the person and how much the person eats in general? For me, sometimes it was hard to eat all 3 meals some days: honestly i would get full with 2 halves of those stuffed eggs because they were so calorie dense and was frustrated I couldn’t eat more cuz they were so good 🙂 Also, that’s why she added the list of snacks to the diet, so you can have those too in case the meals weren’t enough. The fact that her meal plan didn’t work for you is irrelevant, it means you just work better with another type of diet. And YES, you can lose fat by eating fat. From what I understand, the scenario where fat is a problem is when you mix fat with carbs. It’s either high carbs and low fat, or low carbs and high fat that works, most of the time. Together they’re not good.
          Although you might not have meant your comment to look aggressive, it did seem that way, it did have the ‘I know better than you, and you’re not making people healthy’ attitude unfortunately. And Z’s reply was pretty aggressive too, she needs to work a bit on her customer skills hehe (no offense Z), but she’s only doing the best she can, she’s learning and her main goal is to make us healthier, and happier, and she puts a ton of work and effort into it. It just takes time.
          We need to experiment, to educate ourselves, to make the best choices with the information we find/are given, and to help and encourage eachother. I’m sorry for the long post, I just don’t want to see any ‘fights’ here hehe
          And who knows, maybe her vegan plan will be the best for you 🙂 I really hope so.

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            Private Member  | 

            Thank you Kayla for your nice comment.
            As you say, we all different and this is maybe why. What scares me is the influence some people can have on others, especially young people, that will maybe go to far in a diet and get sick at the end.
            I was really happy after one year on LCHF but after 2 years, problems started. I am not an athlete, I will never pretend I am one. I am 44, have one son and love being active. I have been learning about nutrition for more than 15 years now. Love experiment lots of different things and keep my mind open. I was really convinced LCHF was THE diet. But today, I am definitely going in a different way.
            I wish you all the best. Take care

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            Private Member  | 
            lake tahoe, nv, usa

            Just a little correction, I’m putting together Plant Based meal plan – not a Vegan meal plan. Plant based meal plans can have many forms.

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              Private Member  | 

              Thank you for the correction. I read ‘plant based’ and my brain assumed vegan :)) sorry for my ignorance.

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          Private Member  | 
          ellijay, ga, united states

          I thought I’d chime in to add the perspective of one of those who doesn’t have the a whole lot of money to work with. Hopefully this can bring encouragement to you and to others in a similar position who are interested. I understand the mindset of the good stuff being “too expensive for some to afford”, because it’s intimidating seeing some of the prices. My husband lost his job last year and it’s just my job supporting the two of us — it’s not a high paying job, but it’s enough to get us along…we’ve had to just be EXTRA careful with what we choose to purchase. Even with that, though, we’ve still been able to get animal products from decent sources. We’re just more careful about it — on a budget, we wind up eating less meat/cheese/butter/etc. and enjoy the good stuff when we do eat it. Also, shopping carefully by looking for sales is helpful. It may be hard on a budget, but not impossible! 🙂 (Ha ha, also around here in the rural areas, there are a loooot of people who have their own chickens that just walk around their yards! Not doable everywhere, I know. Sometimes I’ve thought how it would be neat to have 2-3 of our own for our own yard eggs! 😉 )

          I understand, too, that one person might thrive on one diet while another person might actually gain weight on the same one. I’ve seen that very thing between my husband and myself (and I’ve seen Zuzka talk about how we’re all different that way, too). I remember Zuzka saying a vegetarian plan is in the works…I wonder if that one would work better for your body.

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            Private Member  | 

            Thank you Christin for you reply. I raise my son by myself and know what it is to run a family mealplan on a budget, even I’d rather buy good food instead of material stuff I don’t really need. Always set my weekly menu in advance so I know what to buy and never throw or waste anything. I hate wasting food knowing some people in the world can even not afford getting any !! I have been buying quarter of beef to even get lower price straight from the farmer and even I want to turn vegan, I will never throw a piece of meat coming from an animal who’s been killed for that purpose.
            Anyone can be free to eat what they want as long as they get responsible for what they do and just keep in mind what there is “behind”. That’s it. This is only my point of view and even I know it will not be liked by everyone, this is not my problem.
            And I would love having little chicken in my garden too. Love them so much, they’re so cut 🙂 not only nuggets !!
            Take care

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        Private Member  | 

        Couldn’t agree more with Zuzka!

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      Private Member  | 
      athens, greece

      Dear Stephanie,
      with all the respect,
      you can kill nothing only if you eat nothing… eating anything you kill it.. and becomes part of you..
      eating veggies, or fruits, kills plants and become part of you..
      also as a vegan please check your iron levels.. it’s important. and B12…
      ANYWAY, i dont understand why you are so aggressive..
      as for me, I followed Zuzka’s meal plan and I thrived <3
      love and grace

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you for your comment Annie.
        As I say, my english is maybe not the best and I have been misunderstand. I was meaning being aggressive at all. I just wanted to give my point of view as I see so many (young girls) trying to loose extraweight, trying ridiculous restricting diets just to feel better and at the end, they don’t and even gain more weight.
        I know that there are not perfect diet. But beef exploitation requires so many water, so many forest are destroyed for soja and corn culture, and I don’t even want to talk about pollution the methane.
        I work in a hospital, where every single day I see sick and dying people from bad diets, obesity, all diseases related to bad lifestyle so yes I check my blood on a regular basis because I am also curious about the different long-term diet and consequences. And you find lots of iron in veggies and legumes, calcium in veggies, fruits and no dairy milk, B12 in nutritional yeast and mushrooms… Check http://www.cronometer.com. I register all my daily income food to check it all. So I promised that you wont lack of anything under a vegetarian or vegan diet. But everyone is FREE and I will never force or judge or criticize anyone. I just wish people can be more educated and be aware about what they really eat. That’s all.
        But thank you for your comment and take care 🙂 Wish you all the best
        Hari Om

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          athens, greece

          take care, thanks for you comment Stephanie
          Love and Gratitude

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      melbourne, victoria, australia

      is this for real STEPHANIE DELACROIX? OO

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      Private Member  | 

      I’m a farmer, my animals are deeply loved and I do eat them. I was a vegan from the age of 19 to 31. I’m in my late forties now adding animal protein back into my diet changed my health in a positive way…it healed me. Diet types comes and goes, it’s up to each individuals to figure out what is best for their optimum health (personally, I’m for everything in moderation. ) I’m sure Zuzka is not saying that her diet plan works for everyone; if she’s implying that then she is wrong and knows better.
      You are right in wanting every person that eats meat to know where and how the meat is process, hopefully in doing so people will start to lobby for the best treatment for all animals that we eat.

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        Private Member  | 

        I am happy that you take care of your animals and really, I dont blame farmer who love their job and look after their animals. I have been buying kilos of meat from local farmers in my country. But I also know how big exploitation do and I can’t accept it. Not only because of the way they treat animals but also by the final product people will eat and get sick at the end.
        Thank you for your comment and take care

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ellijay, ga, united states

    Congratulations on your graduation!!! 😀

    I wish I were a fan of green teas (I’ve never had Matcha…but I would think it would taste similar to other green teas?) I keep trying to get the hang of the taste, and each time I drink it, I just have to choke it down. 🙁 I LOVVVVE black tea and have to have my hot black tea every morning (not a coffee fan, but I’ve gotta have my tea!!) …but I just can’t get used to green (maybe some day! My tastes have changed on other foods — foods I would gag on as a kid, I suddenly like as an adult! Overnight, too!) It’s GOOD to hear some of the ideas of mixing it in foods, though! What a great tip for people like me who can’t get used to the taste! I’d LOVE to try the mask, too!!! I’m always looking for stuff like that to help my skin! 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    san antonio, texas

    Awesome Coffee Talk….would love to try this mask…especially after you mentioned everything I need help with (acne, pores, anti aging). This mask looks good enough to eat! 😜
    Definitely will check out the tea too! Last Coffee Talk you mentioned Kombucha of which now I’m totally hooked on.
    Thanks Z for sharing ❤️

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Yes me too and loving the red wine kombucha combo as well. Zuzka is a genius I tell ya!!!

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        Private Member  | 
        san antonio, texas

        Oh yeah, I forgot about the the red wine /Kombucha combo. Thank you for reminding me. 😉

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          Private Member  | 

          You are welcome! Its delicious! Enjoy!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi, Zuzka, could you add a place to log workouts from “15 minutes to fit”? it is more substainable for me to track my progress. It can just be the title of the workout such as “Day #” with a tracker~

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    sainte-agathe-de-lotbinière, quebec, canada

    Hello Zuzka! Did you, by any chance, announced the winner of the giveaway? I was really looking forward to it (I love matcha) but can’t find the announcement anywhere… sorry to bother if I didn’t look at the right place!

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