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Workout Schedules | February 21, 2016


About the workout schedule

One of my workouts a day is good enough to improve your health and fitness, and get real visible results. If you’re super motivated to get super fast results, you can do the second suggested workout in this schedule, but caution should be taken to ensure that you’re not regressing by draining your energy too much.

I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.



Monday – Summer Shred #1 (Beat Your Personal Best) + Power yoga of your choice

Your second workout can be JRC #16


Tuesday – Lifted Butt Series #17 X (New in ZGYM) + Power yoga of

your choice

Your second workout can be Body Crush #4


Wednesday – Bunny Slope Workout #16 (New in Fitness) + Power yoga of your choice

Your second workout can be Beginner Strength #6


Thursday  – Lifted Butt Series #16 (beat your personal best) + Power Yoga of your choice

Your second workout can be Cardio Shred #15


Friday – 5 Minute Workout #63 (new in Fitness) + Power yoga of your choice

Your second workout can be 5 minute workout #53


Saturday – Body Crush #28 (New in ZGYM) – or you can do Body Crush #25

+Power yoga of your choice

Your second workout can be Kettlebell Workout #7


Sunday – Power Yoga #39 (New in ZGYM)

Your second workout can be Arm balance #1



Workout Schedule for Beginners 

If you’re a beginner and you have just joined ZGYM™ for the first time, you should be focusing on building your strength and endurance via beginner workouts so that you can eventually progress to workout series such as Cardio Shred, Body Crush, Kettlebell Workouts,  Jump Rope Cardio, etc.

If you stay consistent and workout daily, you can get there in just a few weeks. Remember that everything takes time and practice, but nothing is impossible. EXERCISE DAILY!

There are 10 workout routines in Beginner Cardio Series, 10 in Beginner Strength Series, and 12 in Kettlebell Workouts for All Levels. You can find all of the Beginner Workouts under ZGYM > Series Title > Beginner Class. This is how you can rotate them in your weekly workout schedule:


Monday – Beginner Cardio #1

Tuesday – Beginner Strength #1

Wednesday – Kettlebell workout for all levels #1

Thursday – Beginner Cardio #1 (push yourself more and try to be faster)

Friday – Beginner Strength #1 (give it your max. effort, and be faster than you were for the first time)

Saturday – Kettlebell Workout for all levels #1 (try to complete more total reps)

Sunday – any Power Yoga Workout 

WEEK #2 – WEEK #10

Is the same structure as week #1, but you will change the workouts from Beginner cardio #1 and move on to #2 and Beginner Strength #1 to Beginner Strength #2. The same with the Kettlebell for All Levels. Every week you will pick the next workout in line.

This way, you will have 10 weeks to complete all of the Beginner Workouts (Cardio & Strength)  in the ZGYM™ and  build your strength, cardio and flexibility for my high intensity routines.

WEEK #11

In this week you will finish the Kettlebell Workouts for All Levels series and try some of my easier routines from the advanced series. This way you will ease into the main weekly workout schedule…

Monday – Kettlebell Workout for All Leves #11

Tuesday – Body Crush #1 (bodyweight workout)

Wednesday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #12

Thursday – Cardio Shred #1 (using weights, and jump rope)

Friday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #11 (push yourself harder than the last time)

Saturday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #12 (beat your personal best)

Sunday –Power Yoga Workout  – any routine you want

WEEK #12

Congratulations!! You’re ready to start following the main workout schedule on the side bars. Those workouts are not easy, but you have come so far and built so much strength that you’ll be only making progress moving forward. You can always modify any exercise if it’s too hard and go at your own pace. Just don’t lose what you’ve gained over the past 11 weeks by procrastinating!!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka…..Would you recommend two workouts back to back or split apart in the day to get the best results? Also, if I split them… could I have two WEM meals?
    One last thing…. do you think one should focus on weight bearing exercises over cardio or cardio over weights?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Hey missy I’m not zuzka but,
      She used to write in her weekly schedule that she doesnt recommend to do 2 high intensity workouts back to back. You sould rest at least a few hours between 2 workouts for maximum results 🙂 However you can do a PoYo immetiately after every workout. Ah also you dont have to split 2 easy workouts (bunny slope).

      And yes! You can have another WEM if you split your high intensity workouts 🙂 good news, ha 😉

      And the answer to your last question depends on your goals I guess… resistance training is great for muscle growth and cardio is good for overall stamina and fast weight loss. However its easier to stay lean with lots of muscels 🙂 a combination of both is the way to go in my opinion.

      Good luck with your training! I hope I could help, Xoxo

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        This is so helpful. Thanks for your reply:-)

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Hi there 🙂 I always recommend to split the workouts and give yourself time to recover from the first one because you want to have a lot of energy for each workout. You won’t be burning more calories from a workout that you do while your body is already tired. Also your muscles will get stronger if you alone them to rest in between workouts. And yes you can have two WEMs since you are doing two workouts a day. The last question – cardio or weights – depends on your own goals, and your body type. However the type of cardio we do in the ZGYM is a hight intensity training that also leads to muscle development.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thank you so much!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    st-gilbert, quebec, canada

    Hi Zuska, I had a bad accident this weekend, I broke my ankle… so I’m in a cast for 3 months 😯. What are you suggesting me? I won’t restart my training at the beggining!!! I was following religiously your weekly schedule since about 2 years and all my running season will be on hold… I know I have to be patient!

    P.S. sorry if i made mistakes…I’m learning English


  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka
    It would be great if there were a separate page for any ‘homework’, where we could record what we’d done. It would help me to be a bit more accountable, if I could post a quick note every day, and see others’ progress too.
    This could work for other challenges too, such as practising pull ups or splits, or working on one handed push-ups.
    Love all the improvements you’ve made to the site so far, and the ones on the way such as downloadable videos. You work tirelessly, thank you!!!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    FYI… I get a 404 error message when clicking on today’s workout link. Lifted butt #16.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      me too!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      los angeles, ca, usa

      Whoops – fixed, thx! 😀

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    The link from the schedule at the bottom of the 404 error page works though. Haha! 😉

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    dallas, tx, usa

    Hi Zuzka,
    I am finally a ZGYM member after first finding you on youtube back in 2010.
    Twice now your workouts have inspired me to get fit (as in actually SEE muscles type fit).
    I am starting again on the Beginners series due to injury and not having done a proper ZWOW for ages (I am talking a
    couple of years here!!!)
    Hoping for some ‘Z’vine inspiration from you and your awesome followers.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      caseyville, illinois

      Welcome! You will love it here. Don’t ever get discouraged. I use to in the beginning, but i have come a far way and it is so empowering to see the improvement and strength and so on over time! I am hooked for life.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        dallas, tx, usa

        Thanks Tracey.
        I’ve had great fitness gains and weight loss with Zuzka in the past so I KNOW what awesomeness awaits. I just need to stick to the commitment !!
        Started on the Bunny Slope #1 wo today so I make sure to NOT injure myself (further than I already am that is).
        Thanks for the encouragement.

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          caseyville, illinois

          Your welcome! And the Kinesilogy stretching Z has introduced and her Egoscue stuff does work for injury prevention! I love it all

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