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Weekly Workout Schedule - The Week of October 23rd

Workout Schedules | October 22, 2017


Here’s the entire list of my EXERCISE EQUIPMENT


Here’s your daily bonus:

You can add an extra burn bonus workout after your main training. I suggest the Legs Like a Dancer #1  or #2 (new on Wednesday) 3-4 times a week if you want to see really great muscle tone in your legs and glutes. You can also add any workout from the Stretch & Tone series to your daily training. In the video from last week I explain why is it not a good idea to do 2 high intensity workouts a day and why I encourage you to choose an easy pace workout as your second workout of the day.



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

Advanced:  Summer Shred #30 X (Beat Your Personal Best)

No Equipment / Bodyweight Workout : Body Crush #22X

Beginner Workout: Bodyweight Beginner #10



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

ALL Fitness Levels:  300 Killer Rep #4 (New in ZGYM)

Advanced Fitness Levels: Cardio Shred #28X

All Fitness Levels – No Equipment / Bodyweight Workout : 15 Minute Fat Burn #11



All Fitness Levels: Legs Like a Dancer #2  (New in ZGYM)

Not a fan of this workout? You Can Choose another workout from

Stretch & Tone  or Power Yoga Series



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

All Fitness Levels / Beginners: Kettlebell Fit Slide Beginners #2 (New in ZGYM)



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

Advanced: Upper Body & Abs Inferno #3 X (Beat Your Personal Best)

Intermediates: Black Diamond Series #3

Beginners: Upper Body & Abs Basics #3

+ bonus 5 Minute Fat Burn #118



Choose one of the workouts below according to your own fitness level & personal needs.

All Levels / Low Impact : Low Impact Full Body #6 (Beat your personal best)



All Fitness Levels: Stretch & Tone #28 (Stretch your body – ZGYM)

Not a fan of this workout? You Can Choose another workout from

Stretch & Tone  or Power Yoga Series

Bonus: Jump Rope Practice – work on your jump rope skills for at least 5 minutes



About the workout schedule

I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.



Workout Programs for Beginners 

If you’re a beginner and you have just joined ZGYM™ for the first time, you should be focusing on building your strength and endurance via beginner workouts so that you can eventually progress to workout series such as Cardio Shred, Body Crush, Kettlebell Workouts,  Jump Rope Cardio, etc.

If you stay consistent and workout daily, you can get there in just a few weeks. Remember that everything takes time and practice, but nothing is impossible. EXERCISE DAILY!

Here’s a 12 week Cardio & Strength Starter Program – If this program turns out to be too hard, you can do the free 9 week  Bunny Slope Program for complete Beginners.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka, thank you for being a great motivation. I do sport all my life, being active, eating healthy etc. but sometimes (like last 2 weeks) I lose my motivation completely, I feel no energy, do not want even to get out of my bed and need to eat a crap. Even if I try to push myself, I just cant (i tried to start with workout but I had to stop, couldnt manage to finish). I dont think it is overtraining, it is more mental (everything has no sense).
    And it does not last one day, but sometimes week or twro. It does not happen that often but I feel so terrible that I do this to my body (eating chocolate, sweets, overeat and just feel terrible and tired). Nothing works for me these days, there is no motivation that would work for me those days. Do you have sometimes also these days? I feel like looser during those days (especially my diet is terrible as I cant cook, cant go to buy something healthy.. cant do anything just eating a crap and sleeping or browsing the internet). I just point out that I am normally active and love fitness and sport but I dont know what it is happening sometimes.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      maby its the time of the season? I have the same thing

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I’ve been there but in my case it was related to situational depression. I had a lot of things going on that were stressing me out and it turned into this feeling like you said – nothing made sense, I was not excited about anything that used to make me happy, I thought why should I even try? It was really bad, and I don’t ever want to be in that place again, so I try my best to always snap out of any negative feelings using humor and motivational self talk. It might help to talk to someone about this, a health coach, therapist or even just a friend, or someone you can connect with and feel like you’re not alone in this situation.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      marquette, mi, usa

      I’ve been feeling this way too. I try not to be too hard on myself about it. I’ve got a theory that as the days shorten, our bodies maybe need more sleep (since the only reason we can maintain our schedules is electric lighting), and being sleep deprived can lead to depression. So I sort of wonder if a lot of us spend the winter months a little sleep deprived without realizing it and therefore a little depressed. Either way, I’ve been trying to get to bed earlier and sleep until I wake up naturally. I’ve skipped three days of workouts this week, but the last two nights I got long stretches of sleep and I’m feeling much more up for a good workout today. Either way, you’re not alone in this. Try not to beat yourself up about it.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka, It looks like an awesome week wo schedule. I look forward to doing the new series’s wo! I got the pilates 9 inch ball. So, I’m all set for the Legs like Dancer Series, yay! Thank you!<3 xoxo

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      That’s awesome! You’ll need the ball for LLD #4 and the following routines

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Yay😀. Thank you Zuzka! I look forward to doing this series! 👍😘

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am very excited for the legs like a dancer and afraid of 300 kiler rep.
    Wish you all a great and fantastic week zgym members.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    massachusetts, united states

    I too am afraid of the new 300 killer rep!! Can’t wait for new kettlebell fit slide and new legs like a dancer, yey!!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    michigan, usa

    I’m super excited for the new schedule- as I am every Monday 😁 I got my 9″ Ball also and can’t wait to start including it in LLAD! Whoo hoo!

    Okay what is your lip color/brand you have on in the video??! because it’s gorgeous. Please share 😘

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      That’s funny, that you actually like it, because it’s a combination of 2 lipsticks that happened by mistake. I first applied the NYX #SMLC 02 by mistake and then I tried to fix it with STARE – Champagne

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        michigan, usa

        Too funny. Well it’s a beautiful mistake💕
        ha ha. If it were a real shade I’d buy it! 😉

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Really focusing on trying to do legs like a dancer at least 3x a week! It’s completely new to me but I really hope to see great results! SO excited for killer rep!😬

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    wow zuzka, this week’s schedule looks amazing! I just love the variety and all the new workouts. I get bored VERY easy so this is perfect for me :-p

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    florida, usa

    I love these mini videos you make every week, Zuzka. I’ve always loved the personal element you have with us, plus all these amazing new programs are helping me become the strongest and most flexible I have ever been. My personal goal right now is to maintain consistency throughout the work week. I work long days and it is *so* difficult to come home and workout, even on recovery days where it’s just a Stretch and Tone! It’s a (mostly) mental battle that I constantly deal with and just have to say to myself that my workout is MY time to focus on myself and self-care. So this week, the goal is to do a workout every day, even if it’s only a 5-min Friday or 100 KB swings. Consistency is key.

    I did not comment on the Legs Like a Dancer yet, and so want to finally express my support of it and every other series you have released. I appreciate your style and have stuck with you for longer than any other fitness program/person because you keep evolving. You have helped me to be more aware of my form, my body and how important it is to not just do HIIT or heavy impact all the time. Stay true as you always have and have a wonderful week 🙂

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    I love you continued with week intro video and have a specific speach. I am always excited about anything new and log-in several times a time to check on new posts and Zgym members comments. This all is my motivation (+ trying out wo clothes and clicking on the progress tracker).
    On the latter, I am sometimes frustrated that the search engine is not more powerful ie. entering several components. I have specific needs depending on where I train. I may want to do something with KB, but not with pull-up bar nor sliders (but DB and JR is OK).

    As much as I love to be able to train with others in the weekly schedule, I just can’t because of access to different equipment and have to make my own schedule.
    Is this something you would be working on?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Yes, we are currently working on improving the search based on equipment used. It’s definitely on top of the list.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    love your new haircut!

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