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Workout Schedules | August 30, 2015


About the workout schedule

One of my workouts a day is good enough to improve your health and fitness, and get real visible results. If you’re super motivated to get super fast results, you can do the second suggested workout in this schedule, but caution should be taken to ensure that you’re not regressing by draining your energy too much.

That said, let me give you a few tips:

1. Don’t do 2 high intensity workouts back to back. It’s going to be way more effective if you do each of them with fresh energy, so take at least a few hours in between them. If you’re fresh and strong for each workout, you’ll be able to push yourself harder and thus burn more calories and contract your muscles better. The only exception is Power Yoga. You can do PoYo after any workout since it’s an aerobic based routine focused mainly on stretching and core work.

2. Support your training with proper diet. Read through my Nutrition Guide to get the idea.

3. Track your progress. Always write down your score for every workout. If you see that you’re not beating your personal bests for routines you’ve done in the past, the chances are you’re overtraining yourself instead of getting stronger. If you’re getting fitter, stronger, and faster, it’s going to reflect on your body so keeping track of your times and reps is really important. You should also take measurements with a tape measure, and before and after pictures. Weighing yourself won’t tell you much unless you can track your body fat % which is not easy to do accurately at home.

I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.


Monday – Cardio Shred #1 (beat your personal best) + Arm Balance #10

Your second workout can be Body Crush #12 (cardio and legs)


Tuesday – Kettlebell Workout #13 (New in ZGYM) + Arm Balance #10

Your second workout can be 15 Minute Fat Burn #1


Wednesday – Beginner Strength #2 & Beginner Strength #3 (beat your personal best) + Arm Balance #10

Your third workout can be Power Yoga #4


Thursday  – 15 Minute Fat Burn #6 (new in ZGYM)  + Arm Balance #10

Your second workout can be Body Crush #19


Friday –  ZWOW #10 (new in Fitness) + Arm Balance #10

Your second workout can be 5 Minute Workout #36 + 37


Saturday –  Jump Rope Cardio #9 (beat your personal best) + Arm Balance #10

Your second workout can be Jump Rope Cardio #7


Sunday – Arm Balance #11 – All Levels (New in ZGYM)

Your second workout can be ZWOW #8



Workout Schedule for Beginners 

If you’re a beginner and you have just joined ZGYM™ for the first time, you should be focusing on building your strength and endurance via beginner workouts so that you can eventually progress to workout series such as Cardio Shred, Body Crush, Kettlebell Workouts,  Jump Rope Cardio, etc.

If you stay consistent and workout daily, you can get there in just a few weeks. Remember that everything takes time and practice, but nothing is impossible. EXERCISE DAILY!

There are 10 workout routines in Beginner Cardio Series, 10 in Beginner Strength Series, and 12 in Kettlebell Workouts for All Levels. You can find all of the Beginner Workouts under ZGYM > Series Title > Beginner Class. This is how you can rotate them in your weekly workout schedule:


Monday – Beginner Cardio #1

Tuesday – Beginner Strength #1

Wednesday – Kettlebell workout for all levels #1

Thursday – Beginner Cardio #1 (push yourself more and try to be faster)

Friday – Beginner Strength #1 (give it your max. effort, and be faster than you were for the first time)

Saturday – Kettlebell Workout for all levels #1 (try to complete more total reps)

Sunday – Arm Balance #1 – start this series from the beginning and try to practice the same routine daily as recommended until the next Sunday. Then switch to Arm Balance #2 and continue your daily practice. This series is a great way to stretch your body and strengthen your core, arms, back and shoulders.

WEEK #2 – WEEK #10 

Is the same structure as week #1, but you will change the workouts from Beginner cardio #1 and move on to #2 and Beginner Strength #1 to Beginner Strength #2. The same with the Kettlebell for All Levels. Every week you will pick the next workout in line.

This way, you will have 10 weeks to complete all of the Beginner Workouts (Cardio & Strength)  in the ZGYM™ and  build your strength, cardio and flexibility for my high intensity routines.

WEEK #11

In this week you will finish the Kettlebell Workouts for All Levels series and try some of my easier routines from the advanced series. This way you will ease into the main weekly workout schedule…

Monday – Kettlebell Workout for All Leves #11

Tuesday – Body Crush #1 (bodyweight workout)

Wednesday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #12

Thursday – Cardio Shred #1 (using weights, and jump rope)

Friday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #11 (push yourself harder than the last time)

Saturday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #12 (beat your personal best)

Sunday – Arm Balance #6 (do this routine daily until the next Sunday, then switch to the next one in this series)

WEEK #12

Congratulations!! You’re ready to start following the main workout schedule on the side bars. Those workouts are not easy, but you have come so far and built so much strength that you’ll be only making progress moving forward. You can always modify any exercise if it’s too hard and go at your own pace. Just don’t lose what you’ve gained over the past 11 weeks by procrastinating!!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m starting week 3 of the beginner series. I am feeling stronger, I just hope my bad knees can keep up with me!
    Hope everyone has a great week!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I’m right there with you! 🙂

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        Private Member  | 

        yay Slastenok! Lets do this together!!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Hi Kim! I’m so happy you’re doing this. I can highly recommend the postural therapy for knees that’s in the ZGYM:

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      bath, somerset, united kingdom

      Hi KIMBERLY, I have just finished the beginner series. You are going to feel like a boss when you complete the series. I am now feeling the excitement for other beginners in anticipation of getting through them. They are challenging, doable and leave you with undeniable improvement in strength and mobility. All you have to do is turn up and plough through them. Their return is many fold of the 15/20 heck 30 mins we invest into them in our 24 hours daily.

      I am rooting for you mate. Go get ’em.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    seattle, washington

    Wow, it’s almost Labor Day!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am sooooo frustrated with myself. I broke my right hand finger this morning and I have to rest for 3 weeks until I take off the cast. 😞 Its 3 freaking weeks too long. I don’t know how will I be able to do it. I will stick to Zgym and try at least to do some squats or modify as much as possible. Hope yall are having better Monday then me. xx

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Oh No Tanja! 🙁 I hope you feel better soon and are able to modify the workouts!

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you Kimberly! 🙂 Hopefully I will be able to work on my legs since I messed up my hand, and to add in the most stupid way possible. Me and my luck!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lodz, poland

      Oh my, it sucks 🙁 but don’t you worry Tanja, i had a month break from working out and I didnt notice any bigger change in terms of my endurance, speed and so on. Just treat it as a rest time 🙂 you’ll be fine soon

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thanks Magdalena for the heads up! 🙂 It means a lot. Hopefully it will get better soon or at least asap, so I wont have to wait long to get back on track. Right now it is so frustrating to come home and no be able to do a single wo at all. And I was complaining if not having time to do two… #Facepalm! 🙈 P.s. Off topic your wheel pose (hopefully i said that right) is magnificent! Awesome job! You have so much to be proud of! 🙂 XO Tanja 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Poor Tanja! *Sending you lots of hugs and healing power*. You’ll be back and rocking it before you realise it. You are one of the most inspirational warriorz around :D! xx

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Awwww Zozi! Thanks so much for your comment, it means a lot! 😊 I am glad my wo attitude is inspiring. All of You warriorZ are an inspiration to me too. Absolutely love this comunity and the support. ❤️ XO

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hey Zuzka!!! I have a HUGE question for ya! I have an assignment for my Business Aspects of Fitness class where I have to interview someone with a successful business in the fitness industry. It would be AWESOME to interview you for this project! Would you be willing to do that?

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    Sooo, that was such a perfect workout. Not too complex for my morning brain. I just started doing Tuina massage internship, and my arms are sore from it…..And after yesterday’s cardio shred plus giving two 90 minute massages, I was pretty sore! I’m glad this workout had planks in it, but not push ups. Phew! Plus, I ALWAYS appreciate the gluteal work. It’s my best assed (haha….ass-et), and I like to improve it any way I can. 🙂

    Used 35 lbs KB and got 2 rounds and 9 reptile push ups. I do wide squats and use the mirror to ensure my low back is straight and I go all the way down and all the way up. And back stays flat for deadlifts. Man, I see people use poor form all the time! But hey, it means I can get more low back pain clients….haha….that sounds terrible…..:but it’s sort of true….:) 🙂 🙂 All those crazy crossfitters… Poor souls.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    *yesterday’s 15 min. Fat Burn. Same thing. Haha.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hey all,

    I am going to start with the beginner series but I am confused.
    There are 5 weeks where I am doing cardio 1 (and other numbers up to 5 respectively) and strength 1 (…same as above) each 2 times. How should I finish the series within 5 weeks if there are a total of 10 workouts? Am I missing something here??

    Thank you!


    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      It’s a total typo on my part, I fixed it. It does not make any sense and no beginner would be able to build strength within 5 weeks for my advanced workouts. Sorry for that and thank you for noticing.

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