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Workout Schedules | November 08, 2015



About the workout schedule

One of my workouts a day is good enough to improve your health and fitness, and get real visible results. If you’re super motivated to get super fast results, you can do the second suggested workout in this schedule, but caution should be taken to ensure that you’re not regressing by draining your energy too much.

That said, let me give you a few tips:

1. Don’t do 2 high intensity workouts back to back. It’s going to be way more effective if you do each of them with fresh energy, so take at least a few hours in between them. If you’re fresh and strong for each workout, you’ll be able to push yourself harder and thus burn more calories and contract your muscles better. The only exception is Power Yoga. You can do PoYo after any workout since it’s an aerobic based routine focused mainly on stretching and core work.

2. Support your training with proper diet. Read through my Nutrition Guide to get the idea.

3. Track your progress. Always write down your score for every workout. If you see that you’re not beating your personal bests for routines you’ve done in the past, the chances are you’re overtraining yourself instead of getting stronger. If you’re getting fitter, stronger, and faster, it’s going to reflect on your body so keeping track of your times and reps is really important. You should also take measurements with a tape measure, and before and after pictures. Weighing yourself won’t tell you much unless you can track your body fat % which is not easy to do accurately at home.

I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.


Monday – 15 Minute Fat Burn #8 (beat your personal best)

Your second workout can be Cardio Shred #13


Tuesday – Lifted Butt Series #10 (New in ZGYM)

Your second workout can be Body Crush #19


Wednesday – Bunny Slope Workout #1 (New in Fitness)

Your second workout can be Power Yoga #19


Thursday  – Body Crush #23 (new in ZGYM)

Your second workout can be Jump Rope Cardio #1


Friday – ZWOW #13  (new in Fitness)

Your second workout can be 5 minute workout #38


Saturday – Summer Shred #7 (beat your personal best)

Your second workout can be Power Yoga #2


Sunday – Power Yoga #25 (New in ZGYM)

Your second workout can be Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #2



Workout Schedule for Beginners 

If you’re a beginner and you have just joined ZGYM™ for the first time, you should be focusing on building your strength and endurance via beginner workouts so that you can eventually progress to workout series such as Cardio Shred, Body Crush, Kettlebell Workouts,  Jump Rope Cardio, etc.

If you stay consistent and workout daily, you can get there in just a few weeks. Remember that everything takes time and practice, but nothing is impossible. EXERCISE DAILY!

There are 10 workout routines in Beginner Cardio Series, 10 in Beginner Strength Series, and 12 in Kettlebell Workouts for All Levels. You can find all of the Beginner Workouts under ZGYM > Series Title > Beginner Class. This is how you can rotate them in your weekly workout schedule:


Monday – Beginner Cardio #1

Tuesday – Beginner Strength #1

Wednesday – Kettlebell workout for all levels #1

Thursday – Beginner Cardio #1 (push yourself more and try to be faster)

Friday – Beginner Strength #1 (give it your max. effort, and be faster than you were for the first time)

Saturday – Kettlebell Workout for all levels #1 (try to complete more total reps)

Sunday – Arm Balance #1 – start this series from the beginning and try to practice the same routine daily as recommended until the next Sunday. Then switch to Arm Balance #2 and continue your daily practice. This series is a great way to stretch your body and strengthen your core, arms, back and shoulders.

WEEK #2 – WEEK #10 

Is the same structure as week #1, but you will change the workouts from Beginner cardio #1 and move on to #2 and Beginner Strength #1 to Beginner Strength #2. The same with the Kettlebell for All Levels. Every week you will pick the next workout in line.

This way, you will have 10 weeks to complete all of the Beginner Workouts (Cardio & Strength)  in the ZGYM™ and  build your strength, cardio and flexibility for my high intensity routines.

WEEK #11

In this week you will finish the Kettlebell Workouts for All Levels series and try some of my easier routines from the advanced series. This way you will ease into the main weekly workout schedule…

Monday – Kettlebell Workout for All Leves #11

Tuesday – Body Crush #1 (bodyweight workout)

Wednesday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #12

Thursday – Cardio Shred #1 (using weights, and jump rope)

Friday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #11 (push yourself harder than the last time)

Saturday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #12 (beat your personal best)

Sunday – Arm Balance #11 (do this routine daily until the next Sunday, then switch to the next one in this series)

WEEK #12

Congratulations!! You’re ready to start following the main workout schedule on the side bars. Those workouts are not easy, but you have come so far and built so much strength that you’ll be only making progress moving forward. You can always modify any exercise if it’s too hard and go at your own pace. Just don’t lose what you’ve gained over the past 11 weeks by procrastinating!!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Loving the 15mins fat burn series on Mondays, it makes them a lot better 🙂
    Bunny slope workout…, I’m curious!!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Super curious about the Bunny Slope workout!! 😀

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      ellijay, ga, united states

      OO! I’m all curious, too! I wonder if it’s a new beginner series (I’m no skiier…but isn’t that the name for the beginner hills?) since Wednesdays have been easier workout days. We’re FINALLY getting sunshine where I am on Wednesday after weeks of clouds/rain, so I was thinking of subbing out the workout for a bike ride…but now I’m all curious! Decisions! 😀

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Yeah I had to google it to find out what it was, but anything with bunnies should be innocent enough right, right? 😀
        And.. you could do both :D!

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          ellijay, ga, united states

          If I’m not too sore tomorrow from today’s butt workout…I might just have to do that! 😀

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I can’t wait to see the bunny slope series too! Would love if you posted the schedules on Sunday afternoon 🙂 I like to plan ahead and figure out how long I should leave to workout each morning. Thank So! Xo

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    pa, usa

    I agree with melissa. Posting Sunday afternoon or even Sunday evening would be very helpful!! Can’t wait to see what a bunny slope workout is.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      bath, somerset, united kingdom

      Yes another vote here for Sunday posting of the schedule. Seeing as we tend to do a workout from archive rather than a new workout on a Monday. I also look through the schedule and omit some and replace others according to my personal goals and time schedule for each week. For example sometimes if I am working a 14 hour day and I need to wormout inside at 5.30 am I swap jumpie workouts for quieter one to avoid conflicts with my neighbour downstairs. I have had a few very stressfull moments with him now at which I ended up sat on the floor crying my eyes out as I was desperate to get my workout done and he threatened to call the police if I carried on ….YES…can you believe this. I was told by the said neighbour “normal people go to a gym”.

      Yeah mate….I am not normal I am a WARRIOR lol. I didn’t say that. Instead I cried a little in frustration then packed my kit and kettlebell and went out continued in the car park in the rain.

      Although I still see that as a challenge to tackle amd feel strong when overcome sometimes I want to minimise my workout challenges to be pushing myself for best form and more reps.

      Phew …got that off my chest.

      Happy days Warriors. I hope you get more fulfiling challenges on your day x

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Omg this is HORRIBLE!!!! You shouldn’t have to “go to a gym”. Zworkouts are so short too!
        I know some people are serious a-holes but can you talk to him like a normal person and try to sort out a time at which you can workout without bothering him? Have you tried approaching him in a nice way to try and explain it’s important for you and you aren’t doing it to annoy him? Or can you workout in a different room? You could try to explain that you do care and want to figure out a solution that works for both sides. I live in a apartment block and am lucky that nobody sleeps in the room that’s under mine, but I can see how irritating it could be too.
        I really hope you can find a way to fix it, it’s hard enough to get the motivation to even start sometimes. You really don’t need this! <3

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          bath, somerset, united kingdom

          ZOZI B. I’ve put a letter through his door saying pretty much as you suggested directly after our initial falling out and he didn’t reapond and my boyfriend, who decided he will try and play peacemaker, also knocked on his door a number of times now and more tham a week on he still will not answer the door to us or commu icate with us at all. I am just hoping to bump into him in our hallway and see if I can get a chance for him to hear me out but until then I am going outside not to upset him. Unlucky for me we now have the worst UK weather since I started Zgym. Oh well….Thank you for your concern though ZOZI, lottle sympathy gives me a bit more strength to get out there and get ’em done. Worst case scenario…Spring will be back in a few months 😃

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 

            Well then he is a true a-hole! I hope you get to talk to him soon, I definitely wouldn’t have your patience and probably would summon him by doing a workout, not that talking to him while angry would be possible.
            I think you are exactly what a WARRIOR is, I wouldn’t be able to go out in bad weather to workout. This just reminded me of the Zuzka rain workout too – crazy! When did you start with the ZGym? 🙂
            I want you to remember, you are GREAT for pushing through this, and you can always come and vent about it here, but never let him get to you, because you are amazing, and he is just a pathetic little person who has nothing better to do than try to bring people down! x

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    pa, usa

    Waiting for today’s workout…. Anyone know if there’s a problem?

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    kraków, poland

    Hi, Zuz!
    There is a problem with the link for shummer shred #7. When I click there I get a wrong page (404 not found).

    Have a nice weekend! 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      los angeles, ca, usa

      Should be fixed now. 😉

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