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Weekly Workout Schedule - The Week of April 3rd

Workout Schedules | April 02, 2017


About the workout schedule

I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.

Added Bonus to each ZGYM workout.

One of my main ZGYM workouts a day is good enough to improve your health, fitness, and get real and visible results. If you’re motivated to get super fast results, I’m including an additional workout bonuses that I believe will help speed up your progress even more, without wasting too much of your time.



Here’s the entire list of my EXERCISE EQUIPMENT



For those of you who are new to ZGYM or missed last week’s workout schedule – this is the second week of the 3000 kettlebell swing challenge.

I decided to get my butt (literally my butt) into an awesome shape before my birthday which is at the end of April. Kettlebell swing is one of the absolute best ways to achieve that. You don’t have to lift heavy in order to shape up your glutes. The ballistic nature of the kettlebell swing is what triggers the fast twitch muscle fibers and muscle growth. In other words you will notice your butt getting rounder, and more lifted.

Here’s your daily bonus:

100 KB Swings – you can break it up into as many sets as you can. It shouldn’t take you longer than 5 minutes. It can be a part of your warm up or you can do it after your daily training.



Monday – Upper Body & Abs Inferno #10 X  (Beat Your Personal Best)

No Equipment – Bodyweight Workout: Body Crush 36 – Upper Body & ABS

Similar Workout for Intermediates & Low Impact : Black Diamond Series #6

Similar Workout for Beginners & Low Impact: Upper Body & Abs Basics #4


Tuesday –  Low Impact Lower Body #8  (New in ZGYM) – All Fitness Levels

No Equipment – Bodyweight Workout: 15 Minute Fat Burn #5X


Wednesday – Stretch & Tone Workout #43  (new in ZGYM) – All Fitness Levels

Extra Bonus: Jump Rope Practice – work on your jump rope skills for at least 5 minutes

Not a fan of this workout? You Can Choose another workout from

Stretch & Tone  or Power Yoga Series


Thursday  – Upper Body & Abs Basics #6 (New in ZGYM) – All Levels

No Equipment – Bodyweight Workout: 12 Minute Body #11

Similar Workout for Advanced: Upper Body & Abs Inferno #4


Friday – 15 Minute Fit Slide #5 (Beat Your Personal Best) – All Levels

+ bonus 5 Minute Fat Burn #120 (New in Fitness)

No Equipment – Bodyweight Workout: 15 Minute Fat Burn #9


Saturday – Lifted Butt Series #6 (Beat your personal best) – All Levels

Low Impact Workout: Low Impact Lower Body #5 (all levels)


Sunday – Stretch & Tone #38 (Stretch your body – ZGYM)

Not a fan of this workout? You Can Choose another workout from

Stretch & Tone  or Power Yoga Series

Bonus: Jump Rope Practice – work on your jump rope skills for at least 5 minutes



Workout Programs for Beginners 

If you’re a beginner and you have just joined ZGYM™ for the first time, you should be focusing on building your strength and endurance via beginner workouts so that you can eventually progress to workout series such as Cardio Shred, Body Crush, Kettlebell Workouts,  Jump Rope Cardio, etc.

If you stay consistent and workout daily, you can get there in just a few weeks. Remember that everything takes time and practice, but nothing is impossible. EXERCISE DAILY!

Here’s a 12 week Cardio & Strength Starter Program – If this program turns out to be too hard, you can do the free 9 week  Bunny Slope Program for complete Beginners.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    massachusetts, united states

    Looks like a great week, love the lower body series, 2nd week of kb swings challenge. So damn doing these things everyday is tough! My traps and forearms are Killing me!! I have been looking at my beast like it’s the devil! But I will NOT quit!!

    Thanks for always challenging us!!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Looks like a week of good workouts:) and thanks again Z for early schedule, I had it UK time by 5.45am so managed a pre work work out 🙂

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    maryland, usa

    Thank you so much for posting various fitness level options on your schedule. 🙂

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hailey, id

    Since doing the postural therapy the past 5 days (already), as soon as I get up (even just 10-15 minutes), and again before bed (45 minutes-ish), I feel so much better! I see these schedules and I think “I can do that, I can do that, I am going to try that, and I want to do that one, for sure!” .. I don’t say “uh.. that might be hard on my right leg…..” IN JUST 5 DAYS.. I am amazed..
    I start my day stronger, more relaxed, and even squared-up! I can get up and down without having to “think” about it and can consider my day and my workouts in a far better frame of mind.
    My right hip has had nearly no pain and I don’t have the pinching in my right leg that ran up and down my leg with certain movements. … this is remarkable.
    I’ve also done a walk/run for an hour each day, something I’ve not done for many months (with a ton of Idaho snow in the way), let alone 3x in a week.. I used to HATE running at all, but I’m feeling less tired when I’m done because I’m not hurting when I’m running, and when I stop.. Thank you so much..

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      caseyville, illinois

      i am trying to fit in the postural therapy for shoulders since i over did it with trying to do too much too soon with shoulder stuff and maybe pull ups, snatches, just not sure, but it is twinged. i am doing classical stretch now which is good for rebalancing and warms me up How are you dividing the exercises throughout day. i think that would be way more doable for me Thanks

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Hello, same thing has happened to me with all the shoulder stuff and trying to work on handstands without paying constart attention to form; I’ve got a bicep tendinitis now and am working on postural therapy for shoulders. I asked Z about how often I should be doing it given time limitation and she said daily until I get at least 2’pain free days while working out then move to once weekly maintenance postural therapy. I used to think I couldn’t fit the whole workout in daily but now I break the moves over during the day ( ex. May try for wall sit or clock or chair sit with glut clenches when I have a few min free time at work). I don’t think it’s as effective as doing the whole sequence consecutively but I am still reaping benefits and my shoulder is feeling much better. It also cues me to watch and maintain my posture during the day. Good luck

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          caseyville, illinois

          Thank you! I think maybe i am just over doing it. I need more guidance for progressions, i guess. I am back into doing more Classical Stretch which is great and am getting back into more postural therapy. I love the wall clock and include that regularly, but thinking of doing the one for Hips and adding in stuff like wall clock, etc. i work on glutes and bands regularly so wonder if i need those glute clenches.

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            Private Member  | 

            Used to think similarly with the glut clenches for myself as I work on those regularly but there is something about the position of the shoulders with the clenches in combo that my body seems to appreciate more. I do that one quite regularly as it’s easy to do during work and my pain is decreasing but I am yet to be pain free and going into week 2 of working on postural therapy for shoulders

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          Private Member  | 
          amman, jordan

          I was wondering if i can do that since the whole routine can sometimes be hard to fit in a busy day. Thanks for sharing!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This is the greatest posture I ever seen, I’m amazed. It is such a pleasure to follow your workout instructions Goddess. Respect!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    fl, usa

    “You don’t get the ass you want by sitting on it” 😂Love it!

    I had a medical procedure this morning that required me to be under deep sedation. After the nurse woke me, she told me that for the rest of the day I couldn’t drive or lift anything heavy. The first words out of my mouth: “You mean no kettlebell swings?” Um, no. That’s ok. I’ll catch up!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      va, united states

      I really needed to see that quote this week! Tree pollen is starting up where I live and last week my head felt so foggy and I was so tired and run down from the allergies so I didn’t work out as much as usual. Luckily I saw this and remotivated myself quickly this week!

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        Private Member  | 
        fl, usa

        I saved Zuzka’s photo with the quote so I can look at it whenever I need extra motivation 😀

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          va, united states

          I should use it as my screen saver!

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 
            fl, usa

            Good idea!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    gold coast, qld, australia

    Great schedule again !! The Zuz.

    Unfortunately I can’t continue the KB challenges, hurt my back ..hopefully postural therapy could put me back in good. :'(

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This image is incredibly motivating! Displays superior strength and dedication! Absolutely amazing!

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